Friday, May 15, 2009

Day #1

And The Governor Speaks:
Governor Gregoire was greeted with polite and courteous applause by the Rep Assembly. She left the podium with much the same reaction. In addition, most of the delegates held up a bright pink signs which read, "Please Veto HB 2261". Certainly the governor did not miss the sea of pink as she walked away from the podium, although she left the building immediately after her speech.

While the governor's message was warm and supportive of educators, it was also void of any concrete or substantial promises. Rest assured that your delegates, with their sea of pink and polite but hardly warm reception or farewell, left no doubt of their lackluster enthusiasm for our current state budget, our legislature, or our governor.

Following the governor's address, WEA Executive Director John Okamoto spoke to the delegates about the challenges and accomplishments of the previous year.

There was lively debate (dare I say emotional debate?) on Bylaws Amendment #1 -- Dues used to contribute to political candidates. I've been to several RAs and have never seen an issue that evoked more emotion from the delegates. We'll be voting on Saturday morning. No doubt this debate will continue throughout RA and we'll talk about it long after the RA adjourns.

Yea Pat Nicholson!!!
Yea, IEQ (Indoor Environmental Quality) Work Team! Local bargainers will now promote Health and Safety language during contract negotiations. And, there's more: WEA will promote and encourage activities around Healthy Schools Day (normally held on the last Monday in April).

(That's New Business Item C, by the way)
This NBI encourages council sponsorship of WEA-Retired Pre-Retirement Seminars. Quite simply, members need to be aware of the many things they should consider when planning transition to retirement. This NBI helps to assure this. And, so it shall be....

Plan 3 Vesting Period:
For those of us on the work til death plan (Plan 3), this bill calls to reduce the vesting period for those on Plan 3 to five (vice 10 yr) for parity with those on Plans 1 and 2. The motion was to refer to the Lifelong Compensation Task Force.

Study of Health Care Proposals:
This NBI asks that WEA provide resource materials for members to help them understand the five health care reform proposals before the legislature and the impact on members. The NBI was referred to committee.

The chair is about to call us to order. More later!

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